Back-up Solutions

Backup your data Backup services for enterprise IT support

The rapid digital transformation and growing competition demands enterprises ensure more data security. Data backup has become a necessity for enterprises to safeguard their productivity. Quick data recovery offers flexible solutions for backing up enterprise data. we will help with your data backup depending on your business requirements. Our certified consultants can assure you of services with the highest security in place.   

You can enjoy fewer recovery costs and time so that data emergencies does not affect the operation of your business 

Back-up Solutions Backup your important enterprise data

  • Backup Security
  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Non-Disruptive Update

Backup and recovery

Quick Data Recovery provides completely controlled, end-to-end data security and backup. Our backup solutions team can assist you with protecting and retrieving essential business data, monitoring the health of your data privacy setting, and ensuring that you are in compliance with business and government standards. With comprehensive on-site, off-site, and hybrid cloud-based safety, we can handle your data backup.

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Best in class security backup solutions

Data backup plans will help your enterprises achieve scalability to adapt to changing scenarios. Our maintenance services will let you access your enterprise data seamlessly. For virtualized and cloud-based deployments, our backup solutions offer your system strong capabilities. They enable you to adjust up or down the size of your backup storage capacity as your company demands change. You can also handle daily backups from afar, cooperate on readiness assessments, and easily scale up.

Desktop Backup Solutions

Our corporate backup solutions are distinguished from another enterprise backup products on the market by their dependable feature sets, scalability, and the simplicity of customization. This implies that demanding MSPs and corporations with big data centers may receive the backup solution that best meets their needs while also saving up to 10 times on expenditures.

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Best in class desktop backup solutions

Businesses and organizations all over the globe have learned how critical it is to be ready to back up and restore their IT burden in the event of a disaster. Hybrid cloud backup infrastructures that are secure and durable are critical to their success. To meet these IT needs, Quick Data Recovery offers a complete range of hybrid cloud services, business resiliency, and desktop backup services.

Laptop Data Backup

Quick data recovery's exceptional versatility in data backup means it can be used in both physical and cyber settings, can be used as part of enterprise cloud-based backup solutions, and any systems including laptops.  We also provide a customized backup system that provides top performance and speed. You can enjoy our services in total modularity and safety.

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Best in class laptop recovery

We support all laptop vendors, types of media, and operating systems. We understand that your storage systems operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and that data loss can occur at any moment. Quick data recovery engineers have worked with a variety of backup methods and can backup and recover data from the oldest to the most modern systems available.

Non-Disruptive Update

A non-disruptive update is a software or hardware upgrade that does not prevent data or system service from being accessed. Non-disruptive updates may be described differently by different manufacturers. Some suppliers may accept performance loss while an upgrade is performed, while others may classify an NDU as a non-performance update.

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Best in class non-disruptive upgrade

Full network visibility is critical to avoiding interruption. With visibility solutions in place, such as network quality control and diagnostic tools, deployment mistakes may be avoided and faults can be promptly isolated. Quick data recovery provides complete non-disruptive upgrades to your systems with zero chance of error.

process Enterprice IT Support Procedure

  • 01

    Free Phone Consultation

  • 02

    Media Analysis

  • 03

    Enterprice IT Support & Verification

  • 04

    Data Delivery

MAKES, & MODELS Course of action for all data loss scenarios

Whenever important data is accidentally deleted from your device, the correct course of action should be undertaken. Contact our professionals so we can give you immediate steps to follow in order to maximize your chances of data recovery. Please keep in mind that when data is deleted, it may not always have fully disappeared. This is why it is a great idea to back up your important files. You can also talk directly to our engineer to receive necessary technical support


faq Frequently Asked Questions

Why it is important to have backup solutions?
Backups are inevitable for a secure working space with a specified system to hold the data copy from the main storage. It will help in disaster recovery and data recovery from the deletion or corruption of files. Quick Data Recovery service will use top-quality devices and connectivity tools to ensure a secure backup solution for any organization.
Which are the options I can go for backup of my storage system?
Three different options including tape, disk, and cloud-based backup methods could be used as a backup solution. A tape-based system is traditional and is now considered an old way for backup. Quick Data Recovery can help you with the best method for backing up all your data after considering the budget you have and the accessibility you need for data.
How much does it cost to establish and maintain a backup solution for data?
The total estimate on the cost you may have to spend for the installation and maintenance of the backup solution depends on the method you choose and the size of data you deal with. Quick Data Recovery offers the best backup solutions cost-effectively for all enterprise-level networking and server systems.
Which is the best way to backup data?
The 3-2-1 rule is the most encouraged method in backing up data. Keeping three exact copies of your data in three different folders, two copies must be saved in two separate external hard drives, and for more accessibility, save a copy off-site using methods like cloud storage. Professionals in Quick Data Recovery can help with creating a backup solution and maintaining it securely.