
Recycle your equipment Collection and recycling of IT equipments

Due to time and prolonged usage, much electronic equipment becomes useless and then you have no other way but to replace it. Old and damaged IT devices and pieces of equipment can be hard to dispose of as they present a higher risk of environmental pollution. We can collect and recycle all kinds of electronic utilities and IT equipment of all sizes and types. Our recycling facilities will acquire the equipment that is no longer useful to your enterprise and is piling up in the form of e-wastes.

The data contained in this equipment is another issue as it needs to be protected and prevented from leaking under all circumstances.

Recycling Get assistance to handle your unwanted data

  • Recycling
  • Wiping Data
  • Destruction
  • Disposal


The demand for storage and communication devices in the IT field is diminishing every day while the fascination is transferred into new technology. New storage media devices taking over the space of the old ones. However, this does not decrease the value of data stored in file types useable within the replaced database hardware devices. All those data need to be converted into a new file type and stored again within the newly installed systems. This process of data recycling needs to be done alongside assuring confidentiality of data. And, the service from a reputed data recovery service is inevitable for this to be done for large server databases and storage units.

Quick Enquiry

Best in class recycling services

Quick Data Recovery has professionals in our facility to provide efficient service to recycle all the data from any database of companies and organizations. Our engineers and technicians have the latest and advanced techniques and tools to recycle every data the client needs to be recycled. High-level confidentiality will be maintained during the complete recycling process and afterward for the data.

Wiping Data

Data wiping is significant for the secure erasure of sensitive data from databases and storage units. Relying on basic deletion or formatting tools from software is not safe for government institutions and large-scale companies. A secure data wiping procedure will assure that all data from hard drives or other storage got cleaned permanently. Wiped-out hard drives can be destroyed, recycled, or even remarketed according to the owner's preference.

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Best in class data wiping

Hundreds and thousands of data are being stolen every minute through various networks. It pressures more to completely get rid of unwanted data. We provide the best data wiping services in Quick Data Recovery through proficient engineers and advanced tools in the data recovery field. Our service includes complete and secure sanitization of all non-relevant or not want to be seen data from any storage devices


Data breaches are becoming normal and their after-effects are destructive. It is better if a company or individual can do destruction of their confidential data from hard drives and any storage devices when the need is over. Relying on the retired storage assets might open new routes to the digging up of deleted or formatted data in the future. Destruction of data and storage units is the most recommended safety practice from data analyzers and recovery specialists. 

Quick Enquiry

Best in class destruction services

Quick Data Recovery has the best team to successfully run a destruction process on your unused data. We are equipped with sophisticated applications and data destruction tools. Any size or type of data will not be a problem with us to permanently get rid of them for you. Disguising, wiping, crushing, and hard drive shredding will be done by our experts. We maintain 100% confidentiality and privacy related to our client data and customer information.


It is essential to make sure about the complete disposal of data from every storage you saved if you don't need it anymore. Sanitizing, recycling, or destructing the data is vital for the protection of sensitive or confidential information. Permanent disposal will not be possible by just deleting the data from recycle bin of the system. Overwriting or reformatting could be done for a more secure data disposal.

Quick Enquiry

Best in class data disposal

 Quick Data Recovery team will do that extra step to erase the data permanently. We do encryption techniques to prevent data theft from devices that our clients need to reuse after the data disposal. Our technicians are able to destroy the storage units physically or just wipe out the data for reuse of devices. The data is preserved or disposed of with full security measures in place. Whether it is the shredding of equipment, wiping data, or simple destructions, we pay attention to meet the governmental guidelines

process Enterprice IT Support Procedure

  • 01

    Free Phone Consultation

  • 02

    Media Analysis

  • 03

    Enterprice IT Support & Verification

  • 04

    Data Delivery

MAKES, & MODELS Course of action for all data loss scenarios

Whenever important data is accidentally deleted from your device, the correct course of action should be undertaken. Contact our professionals so we can give you immediate steps to follow in order to maximize your chances of data recovery. Please keep in mind that when data is deleted, it may not always have fully disappeared. This is why it is a great idea to back up your important files. You can also talk directly to our engineer to receive necessary technical support


faq Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I bring my old equipment to be recycled?
You need not bring your IT equipment anywhere. Our team and resources shall collect your unwanted gadgets and equipment and take it to a far off-site for recycling.
Why must the old electronic devices be recycled?
Electronic devices contain metals and other toxic substances that are harmful to the environment and hazardous to health. Piled up electronic wastes also takes up space for many enterprises.
What happens to my electronic devices once they are picked up?
The picked-up electronic goods are taken to a recycling facility and are dismantled while the useful components are extracted.
Can you successfully dispose of unwanted data?
Our data disposal systems are foolproof and completely safe. You will get your data disposed of or wiped off with complete confidentiality.