SQL Database Repair

Get back your data Repair and recover your crashed SQL

Without the right technique, repairing a corrupt SQL database can be quite hard. We will help you recover all database objects with properties. What you need is a professional service that can repair your SQL database and recover primary files, secondary files, and log files. The corruption in MDF files can be a huge reason for database crashes. When there is damage in the database, it does not show any error messages but the data would still not be accessible.  Hard disk failure, abrupt shutdown, power failure, virus infections, etc. could also be reasons for database damage.

Get your corrupt SQL database repaired with fast and efficient methods. Our technicians can make your SQL database accessible again and recover your lost data.

SQL Database Repair Let us handle all your SQL database issues

  • Consistency Errors
  • Corrupted header
  • Corrupted Index
  • Restore without backup

Database repair and recovery

If DBCC CHECKDB reveals SQL Server database consistency problems, you must fix the problem as quickly as possible to avoid database downtime. The very first step is to recover from a backup copy that has been updated. If you can't restore from a restoration, you may recover the database by using DBCC CHECKDB with repair allow data loss. However, this may result in a loss of data.

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Best in class consistency check

The following operations are used to verify the logical and physical integrity of all items in the given database. Database corruption in SQL Server may be a concern and inflict catastrophic harm to a database. We have protections in place to identify this, but SQL Servers without detection techniques may be a big pain in the neck over time. Database corruption may be detected in a variety of methods, which our engineers can do for you.

Corrupted header

If the SQL database MDF file header is missing, you may receive error 5172. Due to defective drivers and controllers, SQL Server reboots, and other factors, the MDF file header might become damaged. When the header of a SQL database file is corrupted, the database file becomes unavailable. The issue may be fixed quickly by repairing the MDF file, which our specialists can accomplish quickly.

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Best in class corrupted header check

The two most significant disadvantages of a Database Management System are its complexity and length, which makes the database vulnerable to corruption. Although Microsoft SQL is definitely the most popular option among Relational Database Management System Administrators, this does not mitigate its disadvantages. We can successfully analyze the corrupted header cases and undertake necessary solutions.

Corrupted Index

Wrong query results and absent records can be caused by corruption in clustered or non-clustered indexes. Index corruption may be fixed with the aid of professional SQL repair tools. It also aids in the restoration of all SQL Server database elements to a future new database, especially clustered and non-clustered indices.

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Best in class corrupted index check

Indexes are built automatically in SQL Server by highlighting specific restrictions on table columns. The database engine creates a clustered index when a primary key is defined, and a non-clustered index when a table with unique constraints is generated. Invalid query results might be caused by corruption in the SQL server's grouped or nonclustered index.

Restore without backup

If you lose your SQL database and don't have a backup, recovering the data becomes extremely tough. MDF, NDF, and LDF are the most prevalent file formats for SQL files Our SQL database recovery solution includes capabilities for repairing databases without the need for a backup. Our resources include fantastic techniques for restoring data without the need for a backup.

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Best in class recovery without backup

Backups will come in handy if your SQL database is lost due to a problem. As a result, it's always a good idea to back up your data on a frequent basis. However, due to a variety of known and unknown reasons, it is impossible to predict when data loss may occur. However, you may recover a SQL Server database without even a backup using certain manual procedure instructions. Even if these commands do not work, there are other tools that can get back your data.

process Repair & Conversion Procedure

  • 01

    Free Phone Consultation

  • 02

    Media Analysis

  • 03

    Repair & Conversion Verification

  • 04

    Data Delivery

MAKES, & MODELS Course of action for all data loss scenarios

Whenever important data is accidentally deleted from your device, the correct course of action should be undertaken. Contact our professionals so we can give you immediate steps to follow in order to maximize your chances of data recovery. Please keep in mind that when data is deleted, it may not always have fully disappeared. This is why it is a great idea to back up your important files. You can also talk directly to our engineer to receive necessary technical support


faq Frequently Asked Questions

Is it too expensive to repair SQL databases?
Providing an estimated price for the repair process of an SQL database is impossible before the basic analysis of the system you have. All software and hardware aspects of the SQL database will be considered by Quick Data Recovery experts before deciding on the total value of service.
How to eliminate the chances of downtime while the server needs repair?
Setting up a backup is the traditional way of eliminating downtime during database repair. Quick Data Recovery service offers efficient and fast repairing service for all your database malfunctions and gets them back into perfect working condition alongside all data.
Why professional recovery service is more recommended to do SQL database repair?
Any kind of carelessness can cause complete damage to your database files. Besides, a professional team is required for the recovery of all files and fast repair of the server. You can contact Quick Data Recovery for more details and support for all your concerns on the SQL database.
What are the chances of a successful recovery of the SQL database?
Issues like media corruption, file failures, overnight situations, and more can happen among the files stored in an SQL database. The chances of a successful repair and recovery of the SQL database are possible if you do not try repairing the RAID system or the database yourself. Instead, contact the Quick Data Recovery team for expert service with advanced tools.